Power Business Workshop High performance business forum
Think for a moment. Why did you decide to go in business for yourself in the first place?
Did you realize that financial freedom was not going to happen working for someone else?
Was it because you wanted to experience the dream of having more money and more freedom to do the things you want to do, when you want to do them?
How’s that working out so far? Frustrated? Why?
If you are interested in taking your business to a Next Level or at least finding out if there is a next level for you, this workshop is exactly what the “Doctor” recommends you.
One is too small of a number to accomplish something great. In order to Have it All, you Can’t Do it All.
Marianella Alarcon, Founding Partner and CEO of AVVILA, is an experienced business strategist willing to share her experience and challenge your current business status and results
You are cordially invited to attend a 90 minute thought provoking event at no cost.
You decide whether Marianella and her firm can bring value to your business.
Where: Rest. Cabana El Rey. 105 E Atlantic Av. Delray Beach. FL 33444 When: Wednesday July 12th, 6PM RSVP:[email protected] Limited Seats Available
- Welcome Coffee - About Your Wants Introduction - The Way I See You SMBOs Opportunities & Threats - Change Your Game Our Recipe - How To? - Game On Readiness Assessment & Game Plan - Closing Remarks Q&A / Acknowlegements Marianella Alarcon